Sydney Zheng

U.S. Citizen | | [email protected]


Stripe | Software Engineer | February 2022 – now

Facebook | Production Engineer Intern | Summer 2020

Automated a resource migration to save an estimated $1.5 million for Marketplace.

IBM Watson Research Center | Back-end Developer Intern | Summer 2019

Developed the Deep Learning as a Service (DLaaS) product, in use by core services such as Watson Assistant.

Decisive Analytics Corporation | Machine Learning Intern | Summer 2018

Researched reinforcement learning and behavior-extraction algorithms for two key DARPA-funded projects.

Netrias LLC | Junior Data Scientist | November 2016 – May 2017

Developed program to research the impact of diseases such as alcohol addiction on gene-activation.


Carnegie Mellon University | Graduated May 2021

B.S. in Computer Science, Concentration in Computer Systems, School of Computer Science Honors, University Honors, Dean’s List

(15-410) Operating Systems, (15-411) Compilers, (15-440) Distributed Systems, (15-418) Parallel Architecture and Programming, (15-451) Algorithms, (17-377) AI Methods for Social Good, (10-315) Machine Learning


Prediction of Fire Severity in the Peatlands | ProjectX Competition | paper

Menix Operating System

Immersing in the Sphere World


Project Management/Planning, User Research, Data Analysis, UI/UX, Bash, Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, React, Ruby, Golang, Linux, OpenBSD, Git